【摘要】威廉希尔app 小编为您整理了英语文学类硕士毕业论文格式要求,网站内容每天更新,欢迎大家时时关注哦!
Many students studying overseas, they have no much experience in writing thesis, especially for domestic exchange students who graduate, write a good thesis seems to be a problem. So below I would teach you some of the written thesis format, in this paper, the first literary language classes to teach their master thesis writing, as for the other thesis, you can go to www.51lunwen.com to relevant information.Compared to other sites , there are a variety of economic , management, finance, health, education, actuarial and other aspects , they come from various areas of the world , mostly in high school higher university graduates or instructors , has a very profound knowledge system , to understand the current academic trends , articles written by rigorous logic, style, clear, especially for contemporary students as a reference template assignment or submitted directly to the teacher .
The first is the title, on the title of the format should not be too fancy, to articulate the research directions clearly, subject not too long nor too short, generally 5-10 words.
1) Stylistic Analysis of …………..
2) Comparative Study of A and B from the Perspective of Stylistics
3) The study of……
4) The Analysis about……
As for the Keywords or tags, to select 3-5 words, if you can hard to choose, you can cut part of 3-5 noun of the title as keywords.
Abstract section is a summary of the essence of the article content, pay attention to include three parts: 1) the contents of your study and research directions. 2) scientific thought you study and specific methods. 3) Your conclusions and findings. Note the difference between Abstract and Introduction, many novice at writing thesis confusing when these two parts, a summary of the number of words you want to control in 300 words or less.
Introduction (the text you analyze)
In general thesis writing, the general overview of the current industry or are described in the academic field, but the literary language classes differ papers here, if you are going to analyze the writing skills of a work, here describes the author's background and experience, or the social context, rather than describing the current research and development of literary language.
Ⅰ At the part of 1
Ⅱ At the part of 2
Ⅲ At the part of 3
Ⅳ At the part of 4
Ⅴ At the part of 5
References (including at least 2 references)
Appendix (the text you analyze)
The five part from 1-5 can be expanded to 6,7,8 or even more parts, but try not to pay attention more little about it, because the thesis is focused on foreign relations recursive logic, so this section is less than 5 parts will become very vague, there is no tension and convincing.
1-5 parts of the thesis pay special attention to the division level, the top priority is to clear logic, moving from level 1 to level 2, then 3, then turn recurrence. In China, people like writing to express personal feelings more, and not the result of a very rigorous relationship, so do not write things based on real paper the emphasis is on hard evidence, there is no logical relationship to write a great thesis writing bogey.
Thomas, J. D. 2012. "Science and the Sacred: Intertextuality in Richard Powers's The Gold Bug Variations." Critique 51, no. 1: 18-31. Academic Source Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed December 7, 2012).
Because most of the references section format requirements are very uniform, so it will be very troublesome to write, so here's a tip for everyone to share:
Enter you want to put [References] in the title or article name in the Google Scholar search, the search results to find the corresponding entry (usually the first), click [quote] below it, you can automatically generate standard reference format, and then paste it into the article [References] where you can adjust the font size.
Finally, according to the foreign thesis writing habits, and some schools require of writing thesis reflections, some schools are not required, the thesis reflections should not too many words, and do not be too bizarre experience, remember the following three points: 1) thanks to ur classmates, many years friendship is very precious. 2) thanks to your own schools, providing excellent learning environment or academic atmosphere. 3) thanks to your mentor, giving you a great help in the study of life.
以上是由小编为大家整理的英语文学类硕士毕业论文格式要求,如果您觉得有用,请继续关注威廉希尔app 。
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