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【关键词】转基因农产品 国际贸易 商业化 技术壁垒 竞争优势

3.2 英文摘要


The industry of contemporary biological technology, which focuses on Genetically Modified (GM) technology, has been greatly developing since the 1970s. It provides opportunities for solving the problems such as human expanding, less supplies of foodstuff, short of resources, environment pollution, energy crisis and so on. It may also become the primary industry in the 21st century.

With the rapid development of GM technology and its widely uses in agricultural production, the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) has become a hot topic among public. Moreover, with the yield increase of GMOs, it is becoming a crucial commodity in the international trade. Furthermore, the safety of GM technology is penetrating in the trade field, the safe issue of GMOs is getting more complicated. More trade disputes have been brought about by GMOs than before. While the GMOs range expands, its international influence is getting more considerable.

【Key words】GM crops; International Trade; Commercializing; Technical Barriers; Competing Superiority

4 论文目录


目 录


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