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【1】 Bruno Agard,Bernard Penz. A simulated annealing method based on a clustering approach to determine bills of materials for a large product family. Int. J. Production Economics 117 (2009) 389–401.

【2】 Soon Chong Johnson Lim,Ying Liu,Wing Bun Lee.A methodology for building a semantically annotated multi-faceted ontology for product family modelling. Advanced Engineering Informatics 25 (2011) 147–161.

【3】 R.Galan,J.Racero,I.Eguia,J.M.Garcia. A systematic approach for product families formation in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 23 (2007) 489–502.

【4】 Jacques Lamothe,Khaled Hadj-Hamou,Michel Aldanondo. An optimization model for selecting a product family and designing its supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research 169 (2006) 1030–1047.

【5】 Daniel Collado-Ruiz,Hesamedin Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi. Comparing LCA results out of competing products: developing reference ranges from a product family approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 18 (2010) 355–364.

【6】 L.Schulze,L.Li. Cooperative Coevolutionary Optimization Method for Product Family Design.

【7】 Heng Liu,Ozalp Ozer. Managing a product family under stochastic technological changes. Int. J. Production Economics 122 (2009) 567–580.

【8】 Soon Chong Johnson Lim,Ying Liu,Wing Bun Lee. Multi-facet product information search and retrieval using semantically annotated product family ontology. Information Processing and Management 46 (2010) 479–493.

【9】 Petri Helo,Qianli Xu,Kristianto,Roger Jianxin Jiao. Product Family Design And Logistics Decision Support System.

【10】 Taioun Kim,Hae Kyung Lee,Eun Mi Youn. Product Family Design based on Analytic Network Process.







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