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A specific MicroRNA, a short set of RNA (ribonuclease) sequences,naturally packaged into minute (50 nanometers) lipid containers calledexosomes, are released by stem cells after a stroke and contribute to betterneurological recovery according to a new animal study by Henry Ford Hospitalresearchers.

The important role of a specific microRNAtransferred from stem cells to brain cells via the exosomes to enhancefunctional recovery after a stroke was shown in lab rats. This study providesfundamental new insight into how stem cells affect injured tissue and alsooffers hope for developing novel treatments for stroke and neurologicaldiseases, the leading cause of long-term disability in adult humans.

The study, published in the journal Stem Cells, is now available.*

Although most stroke victims recover someability to voluntarily use their hands and other body parts, nearly half areleft with weakness on one side of their body, while a substantial number arepermanently disabled.

Currently no treatment exists for improving orrestoring this lost motor function in stroke patients, mainly because ofmysteries about how the brain and nerves repair themselves.

"This study may have solved one of thosemysteries by showing how certain stem cells play a role in the brain's abilityto heal itself to differing degrees after stroke or other trauma," saysstudy author Michael Chopp, Ph.D., scientific director of the Henry FordNeuroscience Institute and vice chairman of the department of Neurology atHenry Ford Hospital.







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