citizen, civilian, inhabitant, resident, native
citizen : 指拥有某国国籍或有某地区合法身份的人,即公民。
例如:She is a British citizen but lives in India.(她是一位英国公民,但住在印度。)
civilian : 指相对于军人或官员的平民百姓。
例如:Many civilians were killed in the war.(在这场战争中有许多平民被杀死。)
inhabitant : 最普通用词,一般指常住居民。
例如:I lived in a small town of 5000 inhabitants.(我住在一个有5000住户的小镇。)
resident : 多指长期居住或暂时居住的民民,有时也指旅居者。
例如:I've been resident in this hotel for five years.(我已经在这家旅馆住了五年。)
native : 指土生土长的本地居民。
例如:Are you a native, or just a visitor?(你是本地人还是外来人?)
cite, quote, repeat
cite : 指引经据典以示证明或凭据。
The devil can cite Scripture for his own purpose.(魔鬼也能引经据典为自己辩护。)
Can you cite another case like this one?(你能举出与此相似的另一个例子吗?)
quote : 指不加剪裁的直接引用原文或原话。
The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.(作者不断地引用莎士比亚的话。)
Don't quote me on this, but I think the company is in serious difficulties.(不要向公司重复我所说的,可我认为公司面临着严重的困难。)
repeat : 仅强调口头或笔头重复别人的话或字句,并不必指明出处。
The children repeated the words after her in chorus.(孩子们跟她齐声朗读单词。)
Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story.(祖父很健忘,他讲故事时常重复。)