
2012-11-13 14:05:00 字体放大:  

16. Modern appliances____us from a good deal of household work.For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.

A.escape B . benefit C. liberate D. comfort

17. The audience waited in____silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.

A. respective B. respect C. respectful D. respectable

18. The disappearance of her paper has never been ____.

A. counted for B. looked up ? C.accounted for D. checked up

19. When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man ____ever seeing it.

A. refused B. denied C. opposed D. resisted

20. Communication between a young couple is a(n)____business.

A. sharp B. dreadful C. intense D. delicate

21. After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly ____ the little rain that fell last night.

A. skipped B. soaked C. retrieved D. absorbed

22. We’ll ____you as soon as we have any further information.

A. notify B. signify? C. communicate D. impart

23. The fox fell into the____the hunters had set forit.

A. bush B. trap C. trick D. circle

24. I don’t know you want to keep the letter. I’ve ____it up.

A. torn B. given C. broken D. disposed

25. The old lady____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.

A. slided B. slipped C. split D. spilled


1. C) 【句意】所有设备要求在商定的时间内安装完毕。


2. A) 【句意】坐在我对面的那个人梦幻般地笑着,好像回想起过去发生的某件高兴的事。

【难点】“as if +不定式”是一个常见的结构,意为“好像”。

3. D) 【句意】我本不必把圣诞礼物给他邮去,因为他圣诞节期间回家了。


4. A) 【句意】结果证明是,这起事故不怪孩子。

【难点】be to blame 是一个习惯搭配,意为“该受责备”。

5. A) 【句意】经过若干次斗争,种族隔离被取消了,其中的几次斗争在前几章里已经提到。
