
2012-11-11 22:33:00 字体放大:  


Sunscreen Is Important


Right around age twenty-five, you start to be able to tell who wears sunscreen and who’s a sun-worshipper-the sunscreeners still have dewy, youthful skin, while the tanners have the beginnings of crows-feet and brown spots. Which group do you want to be in?


You Don’t Know Everything


Ever heard that saying, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." College makes you feel like you’ve got it all figured out, and that blinds you to the truth-which is that you know so little, you can’t even comprehend how little you know. Luckily, the real world is quite handy at disabusing you of the notion that you’re a twenty-two-year-old font of wisdom. At work, in relationships… the more experience you get, the more you realize how much more you still have to learn.


You Can’t Pull Off Every Trend


Skinny jeans, thigh-high boots, hippie headbands, crop tops-you can’t win’em all. You’ve learned which ones work and that it’s okay to abstain from the ones that don’t.


Living with Five Roommates Is Terrible