
2012-11-11 22:20:34 字体放大:  


“The testimony and evidence of individuals who currently or formerly worked for Huawei in the United States or who have done business with Huawei also brought to light several very serious allegations of illegal behaviour that require additional investigation. The Committee will refer these matters to the Executive Branch for potential investigation,” the draft says. It mentions allegations of bringing in employees on the wrong kinds of visas and paying bribes to gain contracts.


Separately, the report alleges much closer business links with the Chinese military than admitted by Huawei. “The Committee also received internal Huawei documentation from former Huawei employees showing that Huawei provides special network services to an entity the employee believes to be an elite cyberwarfare unit within the PLA [People’s Liberation Army],” it says.


This allegation is certain to provide fodder for those accusing Huawei of being an agent of the Chinese military or government aiming at undermining vital western infrastructure and making it vulnerable to attacks.


Huawei has long rejected such suspicions, which partly grow from the fact that Ren Zhengfei, its founder and president, once served in the PLA.


The committee said more evidence is contained in the report’s classified appendix.


In the open part of the report, the committee’s main recommendations include that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (Cfius) be given additional responsibility to probe purchasing agreements rather than just investments, that Cfius block any mergers or acquisitions involving Huawei or ZTE, and that the government investigate the alleged unfair trade practices of the Chinese telecom sector.


Huawei and ZTE said they would respond to the full report, but rejected the accusations revealed so far.