
2012-11-11 22:14:41 字体放大:  


US committee slams Huawei and ZTE

An influential US Congress committee is set to call for investigations against Huawei Technologies, the world’s second-largest network equipment vendor, for alleged bribery and violations of US immigration laws.


In a draft report about Huawei and its smaller Chinese peer ZTE, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, one of two congressional intelligence committees, concluded that both companies pose a threat to US national security and should be restricted more tightly from doing business in the US.

作为美国国会的两个情报委员会之一,众议院常设特别情报委员会(House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence)在一份有关华为及其规模较小的中国同行中兴(ZTE)的报告草案中得出结论称,两家公司均对美国国家安全构成威胁,因此应当对其在美国开展业务施以更严厉的限制。

While the report – which was due to be published on Monday night in the US – is advisory in nature, its specific allegations against Huawei might add new hurdles for the Chinese telecom equipment maker’s long-running attempt to break into the US market.
