
2012-11-11 22:12:22 字体放大:  


’I am always looking for the same electricity that I shared with my ex and I do tend to end relationships if they don’t live up to the one I had before.


’’Why settle for second best? I guess I am a classic SITCOM. All my girlfriends are the same - we all look back on past lovers and try to find someone who will match them. It is not the healthiest way to find love - but we just can’t help it.


Cheryl, 29, spent years trying to find love again following her divorce from England footballer Ashley Cole, though has recently started dating. She said last year: ’I will always love Ashley.’


MissTravel owner Brandon Wade said he had noticed an increasing number of so-called SITCOMs going online to find love. He said: ’They are beautiful women who have come out of long-term relationships and are struggling to meet anyone who compares to their ex.

交友网站MissTravel 的所有人布兰登·韦德说,他注意到网站上这样一群寻找真爱的SITCOM女的人数在增长。他说:“她们都是从一段长期的感情里出来的美丽女人,她们挣扎着要遇到任何不逊色前任的男人。”

’They don’t want to go to pubs and nightclubs so they end up on sites like ours These girls tendto go on a lot of dates while they are search for The One and are very active on our sites. ’
