
2012-11-11 22:09:56 字体放大:  


A new survey asked female and male members of a dating site the reasons why they haven’t found the right partner. The most popular answer was that the people they meet online do not match up to a previous lover.


A total of 41 per cent of women and 39 percent of men polled said they still had feelings for an ex-lover and this made it difficult to commit to a new partner.


Other commitments were cited as reasons love had not blossomed, with 24 per cent of women polled saying they were too busy at work, and a further 29 per cent saying they didn’t like meeting new people in bars and clubs.


Sadly for almost a third or men and women a big reason for not finding new love was not having enough friends to help them mix with new people.


Nikki Howarth, 26, is typical of the new generation of SITCOMs. She’s blonde, glamorous and earns £300,000 a year running her own party planning business, Eloquent Events, in Nottingham.

尼基·豪沃思今年26岁,是新一代SITCOM女性的典型。她一头金发,美丽迷人,并且依靠自己在诺丁汉经营的派对策划公司Eloquent Events 每年可以赚得30万英镑。

She said: ’I was in a very serious relationship for a long time before I started dating online. It ended badly - he was cheating on me with another woman - but the truth is that I have not properly got over him.


’Every time I date a new man, I do compare them with my ex - both in the way they look and how we connect emotionally.
