
2012-11-11 17:38:55 字体放大:  


How to Really Start a Business (or Why You Don’t Need Money to Make Money)


Everyone has excuses about why they can’t (actually won’t) earn more money. A common excuse is, "I need money to make money".


You and I know that’s a myth (you do know that’s a myth, right?), but most people take it as a truism.


A lot of people think they need tens of thousands of dollars to get in on a franchise, or put cash down for a rental property, or buy into some silly multilevel marketing scheme.


The fact is, there are plenty of ways to make money without the need for a pile of cash — as Chris Guillebeau’s recent book, The $100 Startup, covers. The first step is to realize that there are always multiple solutions to any problem, whether it’s making more money, building your retirement nest egg/strongbox, or bartering for broccoli.
