
2012-11-11 16:53:43 字体放大:  





× The lecture was given in such an interersting way.

√ The lecture was given in such an inereresting way that everyone enjoyed it very much.


× We are going to visit John, and he is our English friend.

√ We are going to visit John who is our English friend.

3) 连接词使用不当

× The main reason he was absent was because he was ill.

√ The main reason he was absent was that he was ill.

4) 主谓不一致

× Every teacher and student were invited to go to the party.

√ Every teacher and student was invited to go to the party.

5) 中心不明白

× I was watching a film last night, I suddenly found Mary sitting in front of me.

√ When I was watching a film last night, I suddenly found Mary sitting in front of me.