
2012-11-10 11:09:26 字体放大:  




a)使用相同的语法来表达具有相同功能的句子成分,可运用并列连词and, but或or等。

× If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better try to think in it and speak it as much as possible.

√ If you want to learn a foreign language well, you’d better try to think in it and to speak it as much as possible.

b)正确使用相关连词,如both…and, not … but, not only … but also等。

× Wang Lan is not only clever but also she is helpful.

√ Wang Lan is not only clever but also helpful.


× One reason I like to go to school on foot is the physical exercise I get from it.

√ I like to go to school on foot I regard it as a kind of physical exercise.


We each are responsible for our own jobs.

We are each responsible for his own jobs.


× The old woman told the little girl that she was wrong.

√ The old woman told the little girl,”I am wrong.”

√ The old woman told the little girl,”You are wrong.”



1)He asked the policeman what had happened to him.

2)Not only he did make a promise, but he kept.

3)All are ready, isn’t it?

4)Listening to the wind and smell the fragrant of the lily, you will found that the summer is coming.

5)The most important reason I accept his advice is his knowledge of marketing I know from his words.


1)He asked the policeman,“What happened to you?”

/ He asked the policeman,“What happened to me?”


2)Not only did he make a promise, but he kept.

连词使用不当(not only前置一定要用倒装句)

3)All are ready, aren't they?


4)Listening to the wind and smelling the fragrant of the lily, you will found that the summer is coming.结构不平行

5)I accept his advice because I know he is keen in marketing.
