
2012-11-10 10:41:15 字体放大:  


Think about it: in college, professors required us to write a paper a certain length. We also felt compelled to use big, fancy words from a thesaurus to sound as smart as possible.

So what did we routinely turn in for a grade? Bloated 8-10 pagers full of words we barely knew and sentences that never once came out of our mouths.

Basically, we stopped being ourselves.

Fortunately, there are five things we can do right now to make us stronger, more competent and more natural writers.

1. Write Like You Are Talking to a Friend

When we sit down to write, we forget we are attempting to communicate with other people. Proper grammar and punctuation still matter, but it’s OK to be conversational. That way, your words flow effortlessly down the page, and your reader doesn’t get hung up on complicated sentences.

When you write like you talk, the reader can also ‘hear’ you speaking. Your personality shines through and that breathes life into your work.

Just ask yourself: how would I describe this story to my best friend?

Conversational is key. Know what I mean?

2. Short Paragraphs Matter

Especially online, quick paragraphs are crucial. Try not to write blocky paragraphs because the reader will lose focus.

Short sections (even those with only 1-2 sentences) make your work read faster, which ensures a person makes it all the way to end.

3. The Secret to a Great Piece of Writing: the Headline