
2012-11-10 09:02:25 字体放大:  


一、 利用考试间隙,预读考题

二、 掌握出题形式,抓住听的重点

三、 把听到的内容做一定的语言代换也是出题的考察意图之一

1、 同义词或近义词

You will hear: We'll leave for airport as soon as I finish typing the article.

Correct choice: We'll go to the airport immediately after I complete the typing of this article.

2、 反义词选择

You will hear: I was compelled to stay in the hotel.

Correct choice: I was not allowed to leave the hotel.

3、 同类词或下义词选择

Scarlet, crimson, red是同类词;cabbage和carrot都归属于vegetable。

4、 句子成分转换选择

You will hear: Motorcycles are more dangerous than bicycle.

Correct choice: Bicycles aren't as dangerous as motorcycles.
