
2012-11-09 19:18:07 字体放大:  

答案:1.Utopia 2. pitch 3. fiddling 4. Dynamics 5. loathe 6.perilous 7. propagate

1. stratan. level or class in society, pl. of stratum (社会的)阶层

e.g.: a gathering of people from a variety of social strata

2. reconciliationn. the reestablishing of cordial relations or getting two things to correspond 和解,调和,一致

e.g.: the reconciliation of ideas, opinions, etc.

派生词汇 reconcile v. (使)和好 reconcilement n. 和好 reconciler n. 和解人

reconciliatory adj. 调和的

3. prorataadv.& adj. in proportion成比例

e.g.: If production costs go up. There will be a prorata increase in prices / process will increase prorata.

4. fiatn. formal authorization, order or decree 谕,命令,法令

e.g.: The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat.

5. complementn. thing that goes well or suitable with sth else, or make it complete 相配合的事物;补充物;补足物

e.g.: Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.

派生词汇 complementary adj. 补充的

6. ineligible①adj. not having the appropriate or necessary qualifications (for sth.)


e.g.: Any person under the age of 18is ineligible for benefit.

②n. one that is not eligible 不合格的人

e.g.: The ineligibles are those extremely poor people.