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11.counseling n. advice, esp. from a professional person (尤指行家的)意见

e.g.: a student counseling service 辅导学生的工作

派生词汇 counsel vt. 提出建议;劝告 n. 劝告 council n. 会议,商议

councilor n. 评议员,顾问,参事;(市,镇等)议会的议员 counselor n. 顾问,律师

词汇辨析 council, counsel 和consul 是不能互相代替的。council 和councilor 主要指评议集会(例如市议会或学生会),及其工作和会籍。counsel和counselor 主要涉及大体上的建议和指导,并涉及提供建议的人。consul指参与国家外事服务的官员。

12. perilousadj. full of risk, dangerous 多险的,危险的

e.g.: a perilous journey across the mountain

派生词汇 perilously adv. 危险地 perilousness n. 冒险,危险性 peril n. 极大的危险

13. rapprochementn.(法)renewal of friendly relations, esp. between countries 友好关系的恢复(尤指国家间)

e.g.: a rapprochement between warring states, faction, ect. 交战国、派系等恢复友好关系

14. propagandan. publicity that is intended to spend ideas or information that will persuade or convince people (观念的)宣传,(信息的)传播

e.g.: There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.

必背搭配 make propaganda for

派生词汇 propagate vt. 宣传;增值,繁殖;传播;普及