
2012-11-09 19:18:07 字体放大:  

6. attainable adj. that can be attained 可获得的,可达到的,可实现的

eg: These objectives are certainly attainable.

派生词汇 attainableness n. 可实现 attainability n. 可实现性

7. dynamiten. things likely to cause violent reactions 能引起强烈反应的事物

e.g.: The abortion issue is political dynamite.

派生词汇 dynamics n. 动力学,力学 ; dynamism n. 精力,活动,推动力

8. loathing n. great dislike; abhorrence 厌恶,憎恨

e.g.: She feels intense loathing for him.

派生词汇 Loathe vt. 憎恶; loathingly adv. 憎恶地

9. recipient n. person who receives something 接受者

e.g.: The recipients of prizes had their names printed in the paper.

10. nudge vt. Touch or push (sb.) with one’s elbow to draw his attention to sth.


e.g.: I nudged her and pointed to the man across the street.