
2012-11-09 19:18:07 字体放大:  


1. utopian. ideally perfect state; especially in its social, political and moral aspects 乌托邦,想象中政治上或道德上完美的国家

2. twilit adj. dimly lit (by the twilight ) 微明的,昏暗的

e.g.: At last, he appeared in the twilit gloom.

3.paycheck n. a check issued in payment of wages or salary 付薪水的支票或工资

eg:The new appropriations bill means a larger paycheck for state employees.

He had not given me a paycheck yet.

必背搭配 paying the check 付钱

4. pitch

① n. black, sticky substance made from coal tar, wood tar or petroleum used for waterproofing, roofing, caulking, and paving 沥青,用于防水,盖屋顶,填缝和铺路

eg:“Useless” things can be useful. For instance, pitch can be used to pave the road.

②vt. to throw, usually with careful aim 投,投掷,常指在小心地瞄准后

eg: He pitched the can out of the window.

必背搭配 as dark as pitch; pitch dark 漆黑

5.fiddling adj. trivial, unimportant 无用的;无足轻重的

eg: We should not bother with the fiddling little things.