
2012-11-09 18:51:52 字体放大:  



1 Which poem is not written by Freneau?

A The British Prison Ship B The Wild Honey Suckle

C The Indian Burying Ground D The Flood of Years

2 Thomas Jefferson’s attitude ,that is , a firm belief in progress, and the pursuit of happiness, is typical of the period we now call _____.

A Age of Evolution B Age of Reason

C Age of Romanticism D Age of Regionalism

3 Which of the following is NOT one part of the Leather Stocking Tales by Cooper?

A The Spy B The Pathfinder C The Pioneers D The Deerslayer

4 Which statement about Thoreau is NOT right?

A He was a lover of nature.

B He was particular kind of romantic.

C He was polemicist.

D He was a thorough transcendentalist.

5 Which of the following has been called “the manifesto of American Transcendentalism” ?

A Divinity School Address B Self-reliance

C Nature D The American Scholar

6 As a philosophical and literary movement, _____ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War.

A sentimentalism B transcendentalism C modernism D rationalism

7 The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as _____.

A the Modern Period B the Realistic Period

C the Romantic Period D the Naturalist Period

8 All the following are the works by Nathaniel Hawthorne EXCEPT _____.

A The Marble Faun B Typee

C The Scarlet Letter D Mosses from an Old Manse

9 Which of the following is not a work of Emily Dickson’s?

A I Heard a Fly Buzz when I Died.

B The Raven

C This is My Letter to the World.

D I Like to See it Lap the Miles.

10 Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT ____.

A the strict poetic form

B the free and natural rhythm

C the easy flow of feelings

D the simple and conversational language


1 D, 《似水流年》是布莱恩特的作品。其他全为弗伦诺的作品。

2 B, “理性时代”。

3 A, The Spy 不属于《皮靴子》系列。

4 C, 梭罗崇尚自然生活简单,与世无争,不入尘嚣。

5 C, 超验主义的宣言是Nature 一书的发表。

6 B, 19世纪30年代到内战期间是超验主义,以爱默生等为代表。

7 C, 内战前是浪漫主义。

8 B, Typee 是Herman Melville 的作品,其他全为霍桑的。

9 B, The Raven 《大乌鸦》是艾伦•坡的作品。其他全为艾米莉的。

10 A, 惠特曼的诗自由、清新、琅琅上口、易于理解,但并不是按照严格的格律来写。