
2012-11-06 16:44:08 字体放大:  

by contrast 对比之下

16. contribute to 有助于

17. under control (被)控制住 out of control无法控制

18. at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one) 在方便的时间或地点 . be convenient to / for 对…方便

19. convince sb. of (=cause sb. to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb.)使某人确信,try to persuade sb. to do sth.劝说某人做…

20. cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理

21. in the corner(of)在角落里;on(at) the comer of a street在街道拐弯处;round the comer拐过弯; be in a tight corner陷入困境

22. correspond (with) ( =exchange letters regularly) 通信

23. correspond to 相当于 . correspond with 符合,一致

24. at all costs不惜任何代价 . at the cost of 以…为代价

25. a matter of course 理所当然的事

26. as a matter of course 当然地, 自然地

27. in (during) the course 在…过程中

28. in due course (=without too much delay) 没经过太久, 到一定时候

29. on credit赊购; with credit以优异成绩; to one’s credit使某人感到光荣; do sb. credit 使…感到光荣