
2012-10-20 16:35:21 字体放大:  



1.I slowly walked my horse up the hill.我慢慢地带马上山。

2.The ran the ship aground.他们把船开到滩上去了。

3.The swam their horses in the river.他们使马泅水渡河。

4.I laid myself down to rest my wearied limbs.我躺下来好让疲惫的腿休息一下。

5.They rode out the storm.他们安然渡过风暴


第五部分 同系宾语

1. I dreamed a strange dream.

2.He slept the sleep that knows no waking.

3.I have fought a good fight.


live a long life = live long;

live a happy life = live happily;

die a national death = die nationally;

die a violent death = die by violence


run a race; run a course; run one's career;

fight a battle; blow a gale; strike a blow;

ring a peal; wreak one's vengeance


I am determined to fight it out。我决心奋斗到底。

He is starring it in the provinces.他到各地巡回演出。

We had to walk it in the rain.我们不得不冒雨而行。

Can't you swim it?你游不过去吗?

四、在某些熟语中可将同系宾语省略,如look thanks = look a look of thanks

He looked the thanks he could not express.他眼中现出言语无法表达的感谢。

She left the room, looking daggers at me.她以短剑相刺的目光望着我,走出了房间。


The lady was lerrorst(look).

She sang her sweest(song) to please him.

第六部分 一组词组

1.all+抽象名词/抽象名词+itself = very + adj.

He was all gentleness to her.他对她非常温存。

To his superiors, he is humility itself。对于长辈,他极为谦逊。


He is all smiles.他一味地笑。

She is all eyes.她盯着看。

I am all anxiety.我真担心。

He is all attention.他全神贯注地听着。

2.Something (much) of / nothing (little) of

Mr.Li is something of a philospher.李先生略具哲学家风范。

Mr. Wu is nothing of a musician.吴先生全无音乐家的风味。

Mr. Lu is very much of a poet.陆先生大有诗人气派。

Mr.Liu is little of a scholar.刘先生几无学者风度。


Something of =to some extent(某程度),在问句和条件句中则用anyting of(略有、多少)。nothing of译作“全无、毫无”。


to be something of = to have something of + 名词+in +代名词

He is nothing in ability of an orator = He has nothing of an orator in his ability.他毫无演说家的才能。


He has seen something of life.他略具阅历。他稍阅世。

Something of 与something like区别:程度上有差异。

something like = something approximateing in character or amount指数量或性质略同的事物,又作somewhat(似乎、略微)解释。

This is something like a pudding.此物略似布丁。

It shaped something like a cigar.其形状略似雪茄。