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托业考试七大题型分析:Short Readings

2012-11-23 22:21:56 字体放大:  

Most of the vocabulary in the passages consists of relatively common English words and phrases, but there will certainly be expressions that you do not know. However, you can understand most of a reading and answer most of the questions even if you don't know the meaning of all the words. Also, you can guess the meaning of many unfamiliar words in the passages through context. In other words, you can use the familiar words in the sentence in which an unfamiliar word appears to get an idea of what the unfamiliar word means.



1. First, look at the passage quickly to get an idea of what it is about.

2. Next, read the questions about the passage. You should not read the answer choices at this time. Try to keep these questions in the back of your mind as you read the passage.

3. Read the passage. Try to read quickly, but read every word; don't just skim the passage. Look for answers to the questions that you read.

4. Answer the questions. For detail and inference questions, you will probably have to refer back to the passage. Use the eraser-end of your pencil as a pointer to focus your attention as you look for the information needed to answer the question.

5. If you are unsure of the answer, eliminate answer choices that are clearly wrong, and then guess.

6. Don't spend too much time on any item. If you find a question or even an entire passage confusing, guess at the answer or answers and come back to these items later if you have time.

7. If you have not answered all the questions and only a few minutes ere left, read the remaining questions without reading the passages, and choose the answers that seem most logical.

* Types of Readings and Practice Exercises

A. Articles

B. Business Correspondence

C. Advertisements

D. Announcements

E. Non-Prose Readings

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