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2012-11-13 16:14:35 字体放大:  

54. My sister's professor had her _____ her paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee.

A) rewritten

B) to rewrite

C) rewrite

D) rewriting

55. Scarcely had her husband arrived home _____ his wife started complaining.

A) when

B) that

C) than

D) and

56. Only ______ you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a sound conclusion.

A) when

B) that

C) than

D) and

57. I told him how to get there, but perhaps I _____ him a map.

A) should have given

B) ought to give

C) had to give

D) must have given

58. A body weighs _____ from the surface of the Earth.

A) less the farther it gets

B) the farther it gets, the less

C) less than it gets farther

D) less than it, the farther it gets

59. You never told us why you were late for the last meeting, _____?

A) weren't you

B) didn't you

C) had you

D) did you