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2012-11-13 12:45:10 字体放大:  

9. Home economists recommend in large quantities.

A. to buy basical food items B. buying basic items of the food

C. buying basic food items D. to buy basic food items

10. Wood furniture does not depreciated in value properly handled and protected.

A. if B. has C. and D. that

11. In the last ten years, there have been many changes in family life. Are these changes ?

A. for better or for worse B. for the better or for the worse

C. for the best or for the worst D. for the good or for the bad

12. An Olympic marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately from Marathon to Athens.

A. the distance is B. that the distance is

C. is that the distance D. the distance

13. Peter was the football with him but he had forgotten.

A. to bring B. to be bringing

C. to have brought D. to have been brought

14. Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when alone.

A. seen B. is seen C. to be seen D. having been seen

15. We left the meeting, there obviously no point in staying.

A. were B. being C. to be D. having