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2012-11-13 12:43:08 字体放大:  

1. It is necessary that an efficient worker his work on time.

A. accomplishes B. can accomplish C. accomplish D. will accomplish

2. I know this is the right train. The ticket agent said it would be on .

A. Platform Three B. the Platform Three C. Third Platform D. The Three Platform

3. William is very hardworking, but his play is not for his work.

A. enough good B. good enough C. as good enough D. good as enough

4. I won't take Susan's pen because I don't like .

A. that pen of hers B. that her pen C. her that pen D. that pen of her

5. I didn't call the hotel to make a room reservation, but I .

A. may have B. must have C. should have D. shall have

6. My sister will be here tomorrow, but at first I thought that she today.

A. was coming B. is coming C. must come D. may come

7. Land belongs to the city; there is thing as private ownership of land.

A. no such a B. not such C. not such any D. no such

8. The flats I have looked at so far were too expensive. So I'm better off where I am.

A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stayed