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2012-11-12 01:36:09 字体放大:  

54. “What can I do for you, sir?”

“I want ____.”

A. a dime’s worth of candy B. candy a dime’s worth C. a dime worth of candy D. a dime-worth candy

55. When traveling, it is possible that you may be advised to take the tr

avelers’ checks, which provide a secure____ to carrying your money in cash.

?A. selection B. preference  C. alternative D. substitute

56. Old Chinese are not used to buy things on____ and are likely to save as much money as possible.

A. deposit B. debt  C. credit D. sale

57. “Eric nearly always wins the science award.”

“That’s because his project are____.”

A. extremely presented well B. well presented extremely C. presented well extremely D. extremely well presented

58. As the group of persons ____ together in a conversational knot, each individual expressed his position in the group by where he stands.

A. squeeze B. pack  C. pad D. cluster

59.____he does his work, I don’t mind what time he arrives

at the office. ?A. So far as B. So long as C. In case  D. Meanwhile