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2012-11-12 01:36:09 字体放大:  


41. Great efforts to increase wheat production must be made if bread shortages ____avoided.

A. will be B. can be C. are to be D. were to be

42. According to official statistics, retail sales in China rose 10% and12.2% in the first and the second quarter ____ this year.

A. accordingly B. correspondingly C. respectively D. individually

43. If he ____ on tourists for his business, he would have to close his shop.

A. depends B. will depend C. depended D. has depended

44. The wealth of a nation should be measured____the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.

A. in regard with B. in line with C. by means of D. in terms of

45. Because of the complexity of the modern machine, most offices require secretaries ____.

A. to have specified training B. specified in traing C. to train specifiedly D. training specified

46. Mrs. Nancy was wakened midnight by the ringing of the phone several hours after the ship that her husband was on had been____.

A. fired B. decayed C. wrecked D. collapsed

47. In order to be a good scientist, ____.

A. mathematics is urgent B. one should have the mathematics C. one must understand mathematics D. mathematics is important to be understood