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2012-11-12 01:30:56 字体放大:  


41. My niece has been to Sumatra and Iran as well as all of Europe. By the time shes twenty, she____almost everywhere.

A. will be B. would have been  C. will have been D. would be

42. When workers push together to organize themselves in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them ____.

A. off B. aside  C. out D. down

43. I’d rather you____ anything about it for the time being.

?A. do B. didn’t do  C. don’t D. didn’t

44. We must ____that the procedure is followed as rigidly as possible.

?A. secure B. ensure C. assure D. issue

45. I spoke to him kindly____ him.

A. not to frighten  B. so as not to frighten  C. in order to not frighten  D. for not frightening

46. It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be ____by out space invaders.

A. broken in B. taken over C. run over D. filled in

47. Returning to my apartment____.

A. my watch was missing B. I found my watch disappeared  C. I found my watch missing D.the watch was missed