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2012-11-12 01:28:29 字体放大:  

48. If you expenses____your income, you will be in debt.

A. surpass B. exceed C. survive D. pass

49. You can ____your story by leaving out some unimportant details.?

A. abridge B. rewrite C. reveal D. change

50. Could you please give me a hand? Let’s____the bookcase into place.

A. shoot B. shove C. contain D. indicate

51. The mother sat by the window____the hole in her coat.

A. healing B. resuming C. mingling D. patching

52. The owner of the auto plant refused to raise the workers’ wages, saying that it would ____the profit.

A. cut off B. cut short C. cut into D. cut up

53. Her ____ to executive manager is an acknowledgement of her hard work and unusual talent.

A. profession B. occupation C. resignation D. promotion