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2012-11-12 01:26:06 字体放大:  


41. John has to prepare the mathematic examination ____.

A. he can as best B. best as he can C. as he can best D. as best he can

42. He is the best investment adviser and____can tell you which share you should buy.

A. as such B. as to C. so as to D. such as to

43. They have____to cover both of them.

A. too small an umbrella B. very small an umbrella C. a too small umbrella D. a small umbrella

44. “Where is your farther?”

“He ____flowers in the garden.”

A. waters D. must water C. must be watering D. must have watered

45. The girl under the tree is____my sister.

A. no one than B. no other than C. no one that D. none other than

46.____ the book?

A. What do you like  B. What do you think C. How do you think of D. How do you like

47. She is going to have____ X-rays examination this morning.

A. a B. an C. the D. some