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2012-11-12 01:21:35 字体放大:  

48. Despite the fact that the area had been hit by the severest drought in twenty years, a(n)____ harvest was gathered in.

A. desirable B. wishful C. bumper D. ideal

49. The store was ____people shopping for household wares.

A. occupied by B. seized by C. invaded by D. jammed with

50. That fellow____at long?distance running.

A. excels B. exceeds C. surpasses D. overtakes

51. Mr. Longman____his hat when he met the teacher of his daughter on the street.

A. gave B. tipped C. raised D. heightened

52. The television station was____with calls protesting the distasteful programs.

A. hatched B. modulated C. flooded D. prompted

53. I wonder who first____the idea of bags with gas to make balloons.

A. imagined B. conceived C. cherished D. concealed

54. Her first born is not the only one in her family who is good at handwriting; in fact, all her children ____ calligraphy.

A. are fond of B. are tired of C. excel at D. go in for