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2012-11-12 00:46:03 字体放大:  

75. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and __

A. stability

B. capability

C. durability

D. availability

76. Optimism is a ___ shown to be associated with good physical health, less depression and longer life.

A. trail

B. trait

C. trace

D. track

77. The newly-elected president is determined to __ the established policy of developing agriculture.

A. go for

B. go on

C. go by

D. go up

78. I am so busy that I only go home to visit my folks once in a blue moon. The italicized phrase means __

A. rarely

B. barely

C. now and then

D. one a year

79. A man's worth lies not___ in. what he has as in what he is.

A. so much

B. much so

C. too much

D. much too

80. It is well known that knowledge is the __ condition for expansion of mind.

A. incompatible

B. incredible

C. indefinite

D. indispensable