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2012-11-08 21:16:54 字体放大:  


1. There is nothing in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to__ a difference.

A display

B indicate

C demonstrate

D appear

2. The largest brain ever examined belonged to a person of weak_.

A health

B body

C mind

D thought

3. Individuals of every race_ civilization to go backward or forward.

A make

B cause

C move

D turn

4. The new government_ the foreign-owned oil fields one after another.

A took over

B took out

C took off

D took on

5. The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased_, a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper job.

A circulation

B reproduction

C manipulation

D penetration



1. 选B ①indicate标识表记标帜,暗示,剖明What country is indicated by the name has not yet been determined.

②demonstrate声名,论证,演示,吐露,显示At that time no one could demonstrate that the earth moves around the sun.

③appear呈现,显露,来到,看起来好象He may appear a fool but actually he’s quite clever.


2. 选C①mind“智力”He is old but his mind is still sharp.

3. 选B①如不美观选make,后面的不定式to要省略。The children were surprised when the teacher made them close their books unexpectedly.②cause使……Climbing those stairs caused her to feel faint.

4. 选A①take over领受,接管He is taking over my job during my holiday.

②take out除去,删除I'll have my tooth taken out.

③take off脱去,脱失踪

④take on从事,承担He has taken on many responsibilities.

5. 选A①circulation发卖量

②reproduction生殖,滋生We will have a lesson on the reproduction of the rabbits this afternoon.

③manipulation操作,独霸Some people can put back a twisted joint, like the shoulder, by careful manipulation.

④penetration穿透,洞察力The penetration of that woman's mind is really wonderful.