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2012-11-06 13:33:23 字体放大:  

18. She was barred from the golf club for refusing to ?____?with the request.?

A. conformB. adhereC. abideD. comply?

19. She always ?____? the smell of fresh bread with her aunt, who loved baking.?

A. associatedB. connectedC. attributedD. contributed?

20. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been ?______? , it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely.?

A. settledB. evenedC. calmedD. relieved?

21. She was paid by the hour, and she managed to keep her family with herpitiful?____?.?

A. salaryB. wagesC. stipendD. payment?

22. A plane is a ?____? and so is a car.?

A. transportB. driveC. vehicleD. carriage?

23. Tony was in plain clothes, watching for a ?____? character at London Airport all night.?

A. suspiciousB. suspectC. susceptibleD. doubtful?

24. At first she thought he was joking. It took Jason twenty minutes to convince her that he was ?____?.?

A. earnestB. realC. genuineD. serious?

25. You may even become a head waiter eventually. If you have the rightsortof ?____? and are not afraid of hard work.?

A. natureB. personalityC. temperD. character