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2012-11-06 13:33:23 字体放大:  


1. Only in the dream world ?____? moments of desolation or terror that are worse than anything we have known under the sun.?

A. there isB. there areC. is thereD. are there?

2. Would you please ?____? spoil any material??

A. notB. not toC. to notD. don’t?

3. ?____? in physical shape, he dropped out of the University of Syracuse.?

A. As he was badB. Bad as he was?

C. Bad although he was D. Bad though he was?

4. I hope you don’t mind me ?____? you sir, but is there much money involved in the will??

A. askingB. to askC. askD. that I ask?

5. The reason Beethoven went away to the country is ?____?.?

A. that he was gradually going deaf?

B. because he was gradually going deaf?

C. on account of the fact that he was gradually going deaf ?

D. since he was gradually going deaf?

6. “I often feel a sudden fast heart beat when I’m idle.”“You should stop your exercising and need ?____?”?

A.to check your heart?

B. to have your heart checked?

C. to have checked your heart ?

D. to be checked your heart?

7. When I finish the story, Lenin jumped up from his chair and started pacing the floor, ?____?, deep in thought.?

A. with his head bendingB. in his head bent?

C. his head bendingD. his head bent?

8. But what ?____? to define his personality is a driven concentration on his work, compulsive attention to every aspect of creating musicals.?

A. seems most B. is mostly?

C. is mostD. seems mostly?