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2012-11-06 13:25:26 字体放大:  

18. Mac learneda lot about himself from this ?____? experience.?

A. hurtfulB. achingC. unfortunateD. miserable?

19. It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the ?____?in London in the early 18th century.?

A. conditionB. affairC. environmentD. situation?

20. “Anyone who followed my ?____? of rules would be blessed with a richer life and boundless love from his family,”Tom said.?

A. packetB. packC. setD. group?

21. Richard asked me to ?____? the age of Aaron Copland, the American composer of ballet music, when he composed“Billy the Kid”.?

A. supposeB. thinkC. guessD. count?

22. The king’s daughter threatened to drink the ?____? chemical if he refused her request.?

A. fatalB. deadlyC. mortalD. dangerous?

23. Frank realized fully what he had dreamed about could not ?____? have happened in real life.?

A. likelyB. certainlyC. possiblyD. doubtfully?

24. The research team decided to use an underwater ?____? saw to cut the ship into sections before lifting it up.

A. electricalB. electricC. electricityD. electrifying?

25. Our life has but a short ?____?.?

A. durationB. spanC. episodeD. range