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2012-11-06 13:00:27 字体放大:  

19. Whereas sudden great disasters are instantaneous, others, such as droughts, are ?____?.?

A. cumulativeB. formidable ?

C. eternalD. prospective?

20. We are always ready to ?____? our motherland from any foreign aggression.?

A. defendB. protectC. guardD. shield?

21. The train has been?____? by an accident.?

A. delayedB. postponedC. put offD. relayed?

22. Can you ?____? any smell of the gaswhich is escaping??

A. discoverB. detectC. findD. spot?

23. A(n) ?____? annoyance of bus terminals is the abundance of exhaust fumes.?

A. instantaneousB. regular?

C. inherentD. extensive?

24. They have no idea of the ?____?rich in mineral springs.?

A. localityB. locationC. situationD. site?

25. When Tasuma first came to the U.S. from Japan, he wasn’t sure he could ?____? into American culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here.?

A. absorbB. transformC. digestD. assimilate?