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2012-11-06 12:48:41 字体放大:  

9. Some members suggested ?____? a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didn’t approve.?

A. to arrange

B. arrange?

C. arranging

D. to be arranging?

10. If the maid comes today, please have her ?____? my shirts.?

A. washed

B. washing

C. to wash

D. wash?

11. ?____? racial problems have not been solved and full equality has not been attained yet, progress in these directions has been quite remarkable.?

A. Since

B. Although

C. Now that

D. Before?

12. ?____? they are alarmed at the interference with the natural balance of the environment, and its possible consequences.?

A. All in all

B. After all?

C. Above all

D. In all?

13. Rumor ?____? it that the man has been nominated many times for the Nobel Prize.?

A. has

B. spreads

C. carries

D. learns?

14. Just because I’m ?____? to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without giving me any respect.?

A. redundant

B. versatile

C. trivial

D. subordinate?

15. In our society, a wedding invitation is also an ?____?invitation for a gift.?


B. intelligible

C. implicit

D. inclusive?

16. The strong scent of Kate’s perfume ?____? the air in the small room.?

A. radiated

B. permeated

C. extracted

D. dispersed?

17. An atom bomb would ?____? a city.?

A. destroy

B. damage

C. spoil

D. wreck?