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2012-11-06 12:37:51 字体放大:  

9. All ?____? is peace and progress.?

A. what is needed

B. for our needs?

C. the thing needed

D. that is needed?

10. ?____? he was aware ofthe real meaning of life.?

A. That was from that book?

B. It was that book which?

C. It was from that book that ?

D. It was that book that?

11. I hope you will never fall into that ?____?.?

A. mistake

B. fault

C. error

D. defect?

12. Then the ?____? streamed into the great hall.?

A. group

B. crowd

C. gang

D. masses?

13. Once a ?____? is formed it is very difficult to shake it off.?

A. habit

B. custom

C. practice

D. usage?

14. My husband likes early American furniture, but I prefer ?____?styles, designs that reflect today’s times.?

A. noble

B. neutral?

C. contemporary

D. simple?

15. For many people, overeating and overspending are as ?____?to Christmas as candles and holly.?

A. integral

B. suitable

C. inevitable

D. compatible?

16. When my kids go a weekend without pizza and TV while camping, they think they are suffering great ?____?.?

A. deficiency

B. deprivation?

C. depression

D. starvation?

17. The police have asked for the?____? of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the missing boy.?

A. cooperation


C. helpfulness

D. aid?