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2012-11-06 11:01:52 字体放大:  

Keys:1-5 AADAD

1. 选A virtually 实际上,几乎 Virtually the queen rules the Kingdom instead of the King.

2. 选A concern “关于”=be about. This story concerns a good girl and a wicked fairy.

state陈述,叙述 The book states the case for women’s rights very clearly.

proclaim宣布,宣告 The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.

3. 选D know better than to do sth 明白事理而不至于……You ought to know better than to go swimming on such a cold day.

4. 选A applaud 称赞,赞许 The teacher applauded his brave spirit. enhance提高,增强, clap鼓掌。 Elevate举起,提高The fresh morning air elevated him.

5. 选D obliging 乐于助人的,有礼貌的 The United States and Australia were not so obliging. The two countries banned the import of British beef as early as 1988.