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2012-11-06 10:52:05 字体放大:  

11. When they arrived at the cross roads, they went the wrong ?____?.?

A. directionB. wayC. pathD. route?

12. I can’t stand the summer’s ?____? heat.?

A. intensiveB. heavyC. intenseD. high?

13. She takes ?____? interest in the economic reform in China.?

A. considerableB. conventional?

C. considerateD. conservative?

14. When our university library bought this microscope we were given a one year’s ?____?.?

A. proofB. reservationC. securityD. guarantee?

15. The football player had studied economics in the university for ?a(n)??____? of roughly six years.?

A. decadeB. timeC. ageD. period?

16. A dictionary of the English language, ?____? by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic written survey of English usage.?

A. compiledB. composed?

C. concocted D. collected?

17. The volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to put out the ?____?forest fire.?

A. ragingB. ripplingC. rollingD. roaring?

18. Education is ?____? for all school?age children in many a country.?

A. universalB. compulsoryC. requestedD. general?

19. The policeman’s ?____? mind caught the suspect’s lies.?

A. aliveB. alertC. experiencedD. imaginable?

20. Over years, a balance is ?____? among the plants and animals in a community and it remains basically stable.

A. worked out B. worked off?

C. worked overD. worked up?