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专四填空常考结构 谓语动词专一原则

2012-11-06 10:43:16 字体放大:  




例1 :William Walker's mural, “Wall of Respect,” ___an outdoor wall in Chicago, deals with social issues.

(A) covers     (B) covers it     (C) which covers     (D) which it covers

分析:空格后的deals with 是谓语动词,A, B是谓语形式, 和deals with 之间没有连接词,可先排除; D 中的it多余,因为在定语从句中which已经作了主语;(C)构成正确的定语从句

例2 :In copper engravings and etchings, ___caused by the edges of the plate is clearly visible on the paper.

(A) the impression is    (B) if the impression is    (C) impressions    (D) the impression

分析:题目中的is是谓语,A,B中是谓语重复。C为复数名词,与后面的谓语动词is的数不一致,故也排除。因此选择(D),caused.... 修饰impression