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2012-11-06 00:38:29 字体放大:  



例1 :Most crocodiles will eat anything___capture and overpower.

(A) can     (B) they can    (C) which can    (D) and

分析:空格前是个完整句子,空格后是两个并列的及物动词,后面却没有宾语,由此可推断出空格处缺能作从句宾语的从句引导词和从句主语。(A)、(D)没有从句引导词,可首先排除。(C)有从句引导词,也可作从句的宾语,却没有从句主语。正确答案(B)看似没有从句引导词,实际上是省略了引导词that,故选(B)。that they can capture, that引导定语从句在句子中做capture的宾语。

例2 :A majority of people in the United States can get all the calcium their bodies from the___food they eat.

(A) require     (B) requires     (C) requiring     (D)to require

分析:此题显然缺从句谓语动词,故首先排除(C)和(D)。(B)为第三人称单数形式,与主语bodies相矛盾,故也可排除,因此选择(A)。   their bodies require from the food they eat是定语从句修饰calcium, 省略了that; 实际上they eat也是定语从句省略了that修饰the food“介词+名词”在定语从句中做表语时,关系代词和be动词可以同时省略,剩下的形容词短语做名词的后置定语。