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2012-11-06 00:23:02 字体放大:  


41. The reporters exposed the corruption of several senior officers in the government; consequently, these officers____to resign from office.

A. have asked B. were asked

C. had asked D. had been asked

42. The train____ at the present speed until it reaches the next

city at about seven o’clock this evening.

A. will be going B. went C. would go D. went

43. Such____the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.

A. was B. is C. is being D. being

44. I beg____ your nephew’s wedding.

A. to be excused B. to be excused from

C. to excuse from D. to be excused to

45. The only candidate____ can hope to defeat him is quit now.

A. who B. which C. that D. when

46. Humble____ it may be, there’s no place like home, ____he

may go.

A. like, when B. as, wherever C. although, where D. which, wherever

47. He ought to attend the meeting,____?

A. should he B. ought he C. shouldn’t he D. oughtn’t he