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2012-11-05 23:11:29 字体放大:  

11. ____ the sight of the police officers, the men ran off.

A. In

B. At

C. On

D. With

12. ____ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.

A. Making up

B. Doing up

C. Putting up

D. Sizing up

13. ____ the whole, early American city planning was excellent.

A. In

B. From

C. On

D. Above

14. ____ we are having these days!

A. What a lovely weather

B. What lovely weathers

C. What lovely weather

D. What lovely a weather

15. ____, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A. Other things being equal

B. Were other things equal

C. To be equal to other things

D. Other things to be equal

16. ____, he does not love her.

A. As he likes her very much

B. Though much he likes her

C. Much although he likes her

D. Much though he likes her

17. A drunk man walked in, ____ in appearance.

A. repulsive

B. reluctant

C. reproachful

D. reputed

18. A good many houses ____ knocked down by the earthquake.

A. was

B. were

C. is

D. are

19. A good teacher must know how to ____ his ideas.

A. convey

B. display

C. consult

D. confront

20. A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is ____ conditions or events.

A. in response to

B. in favor of

C. in contrast to

D. in excess of