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专四语法重点总结 附加疑问句

2012-11-02 11:20:21 字体放大:  


Tag Question

He must be a clever boy, _______?

He must be studying in the room,____?

He must have worked hard last night, ____?

He must have finished his work, ____?

He said he would go with Mary, _____?

If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination, ____?

I think he is a good student, ____?

I don’t think he is a good student, ___?

You have a new book, ____?

He had to go now,____?

I have read the book , ____?

Mary has milk for breakfast everyday,____?

We used to live in the country,___?

We never used to live in the country, ___?

There be

There is a book on the desk.

There is a book and two pens on the desk.

There ____( come ) the last bus .

There ____(go) the last spoon of ice-cream.


both… and 只连接词与词组

Not only … but also; either …or ; neither…nor 不但连接词与词组,还可连接句子

Both..and , not only…but also 必须连接对等结构

either …or ; neither…nor可连接不对等结构

I neither like novels nor (like) poems.