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2012-11-02 10:16:12 字体放大:  


Nothing is amazing there,is it?

Something will have to be done about the price,won't it?

Nobody is leaving tomorrow,are they?

Everyone hopes to get promoted,don't they?

Someone left their umbrella in the bus, didn't they?

One can't be too careful, can one?


1. 祈使句后面的附加问句,分三种情况;

⑴表客气、委婉、邀请、劝诱、愿望等时,用won't you 。

Have a cup of coffee, won't you?

⑵表命令、强制的要求、请求时,用will you。

Do it at once, will you?

⑶否定祈使句用will you 。

Don't close the door, will you?


Let's 和let us后面的附加问句,分两种情况;

⑴let's包括对方在内,用shall we 或shan't we。

⑵let us不包括对方在内,用will you 或won't you。

Let 后接非us之外的人称如me、him、her、them等时,附加问句用will you。



let's go to the movies, shall we?

let us go to the movies, will you ?

let him go, will you?

let me attend the farewell party, will you?


There+be句型的反意疑问句,附加问句用be there/be not there,由主语人称时态和数决定。

There won't be any trouble, will there?

There's not much news in today's paper, is there?

There has been much confusion since his arrival, hasn’t there?

(3)This/that/It is/was the third time that句型

This/that/It is/was the third time that等句型中,反意主句,用it指代。

This is the third time this week he has been late, isn't it?

It was the second time that she had been to the Great Wall, wasn't it?



I think (suppose…)宾语从句结构,附加问句反意从句分两种情况;


I think that he is serious, isn't he?

⑵前有否定句,后面附加问句用肯定(I don't think)。

I don't suppose that she is serious, is she?


They think Mary will pass the examination, don't they?


I hope+宾语从句结构,附加问句用don't you。

I hope that they study hard, don't you?


感叹句后的附加问句指人时,根据人称、数决定用什么指代。指物时,根据单复数决定,用it /they指代。

What an interesting story, isn't it?

What a funny man, isn't he?

How silly they are, aren't they?