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2012-11-02 10:10:20 字体放大:  

英语中,不作句子的谓语,而是用于担任其它语法功能的v ,叫非谓语动词,它不受主语人称、数等因素的限定,又被称作非限定动词。

三大非谓语动词: 动名词, 分词和不定式。


1. 作主语

Seeing is believing.

Listening to music is one of my hobbies.

Studying abroad has many advantages.

Getting to know the world is what the future society requires of us.


A. It is no use / good/harm+Ving. It is no use quarreling with her. It's no use crying over the spilt milk.

B. There is no+Ving. There is no denying (the fact) that women are playing an important role in the world today.

There is no joking about this matter. 这事开不得玩笑。

2. 作表语

My favorite pastime is collecting stamps.

Her hobby is swimming and cycling.

One of the good virtues of a young person is being punctual.

My job is teaching.

One of the most difficult tasks you may encounter is learning a foreign language.

3. 作动词宾语

She enjoys listening to rock music.

We appreciate your offering to help.

We must avoid making such mistakes again.

People who like travelling have their reasons.

跟动名词作宾语的v.及v. phrase

常见的能跟动名词作宾语的v.及v. phrase:

admit, appreciate, avoid, confess to, consider, delay, deny, endure(忍耐), enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy(想象), finish, forbid, imagine, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice,

risk, can't help, feel like, give up, keep out, object to (反对), oppose, put off(推迟).
